

I think I have retired this blog to go on to Live Journal, thanks to Raeven Rush. I haven't used it yet but I joined and I feel that I like the set up a lot better, and I really liked reading Raeven's fun posts. :)

However, I'm most likely going to keep this account just so I can come read your stuff Tim, because I thoroughly enjoy it. If you ever go to LJ let me know. :)


Better Days

Gosh,the past couple weeks have been GREAT! Not only was it Spring Break which meant no school work, I got to have two longgg weekends with Kyle which was fantastic. Sleepovers are my favorite. :) And to top that off, I landed a full time job which I greatly needed! So now I am definitely moving this summer, probably June. Moving out all on my own to an apartment! It's so real it's freaking me out so bad. I still don't know if Jess will be with me, but I have such a huge weight lifted off my shoulders because I know even if she can't do it, I can afford a one bedroom on my own now.
As excited as I am, if I'm moving by myself I am not looking forward to being so alone. I will be super busy with work and school though. Full time job plus full time student means TONS of work. So at least I'll be busy if I'm alone. Plus Jess will be visiting and sleeping over a ton if she can't move in. And I'll be stealing my little girls here randomly. And Kyle will be home all summer so not only will he help me move but he will spend weekends with me while I'm not working. Sleepovers are very comforting to me. <3



Have you ever had one of those days that felt terrible and put you in the worst mood but in reality, it probably wasn't even that bad? That was today. I started the day with my 6-2 shift in the cash office which went extremely smoothly thanks to St who is awesome at closing. I even got done an hour and a half early so I went home and watched some tv and did some pre-lab for Bio tomorrow.

Then Alex had asked me to borrow my car for her driving test. So I let her drive to the DMV and on the way she hits an enormous pothole filled with tons of water on Snow Rd. I didn't get too mad, because she is a new driver, but the car made a bad sound when it hit so I was a little worried. Well, she ran over a cone so no license for little Alex yet, but I let her drive home and she parks the car and runs in the house in tears. Meanwhile, I move over to the driver seat and turn the ignition and... my car won't start.

Tried for an hour in my mom's driveway to start the thing. My stepdad looked at it and tried even longer to start it. Nothing. Just tons of bad sounding noise. So I call John. Which makes me feel pretty terrible. I feel like a user. Like, "Oh, hey, I completely broke your heart back in the day and we never talk now, but can you come fix my car? Pretty please?" But what else am I going to do? I know nothing about cars. I'm pretty useless.

So John thinks that when Alex hit the pothole water got all up in my engine. Which is why it won't start. So I now have to leave my car on my mom's street with the hood up to let it airdry. This takes a little over an hour. I then try to start my car again, and TADA! It revvvs right up. Thank the Lord. But now I am terrified to drive to Ada to see Kyle this weekend. Which completely sucks because it is my spring break and he actually agreed to letting me stay a few extra nights even though he has class (Surprise!) So since I worry so much John agrees to look at it if I bring it over later.

In the meanwhile I have to go to Kyle's house to deliver some things for his parentals. Cereal and bread. Hah. It was nice to see them though. They lifted my spirits for the half hour that I visited and it was nice to just sit with them and talk and laugh about dumb stuff. His family always makes me forget what a mess mine is.

After that little visit Jess (my hero) meets me at my house to go with me to John's. Mostly just so that I have a friend to vent to because she knew I was having a terrible day and needed somebody to talk to. And she said something to me tonight that made me want to cry right there in the car. She told me that she was so proud of me for turning out to be the person that I was. That I was one of the strongest people that she knew and that I was so responsible and down to earth and honest and just an all around great girl considering everything I've been through. I am getting teary eyed just thinking about it again. I don't even know where I would be without this girl lately. I am so disappointed that we never got closer sooner.

So after John looked at my car he concluded that it was safe for me to drive to Ada this weekend and next weekend. Which is good. But it is making a weird noise everytime I hit a bump. It has always made a noise when I hit a bump but it is definitely more distinct now. So after spring break he offered to look at it more in depth and see if he can figure out what is making that noise. But I should be okay. Hopefully. I am grateful that he is willing to help me out in situations such as this. I always feel bad asking but he always seems so eager and willing to help!

Then I get home and I can't decide if I want to just pass out or cry or punch somebody or what. But I'm completely stressed. And I just want to say all of what I am saying right now to Kyle. But our conversation lasts 2 minutes and consists of "You have responsibilities. Go finish your paper." Ugh. I am so glad that he is pushing me to do well academically. But tonight I really just needed somebody to talk to. And it failed to be him, once again. That really bums me out. All I can do is hope that things will get easier in that aspect of our relationship. Eventually.

All in all, it was just a rough day. And I think tiredness has a lot to do with it as well. And sickness. Being sick for so long and always being tired is no good. But hopefully things will turn around soon.

If somebody actually reads this whole thing, I really appreciate that and I applaud you!



Stay Together for the Kids

How do you just fall out of love with a person? I don't get it.

I've seen so many marriages fall apart and end. And so many great relationships die. It's depressing. My parents' divorce was one of the hardest things I've ever had to go through. And it still affects me so much today. It has made me such a stronger person, but I would give anything to have never gone through that. Things would be so different.

To make this day even more depressing, I have a huge Soc exam tomorrow I need to study for. And I don't even really know what to expect because my teacher is lame.

Study Time.


I Will Follow You Into The Dark

Alex Shaide passed away in a horrible gun accident this past Friday. He was a 9th grader at Valley Forge. He was pretty good friends with my brother and my cousin had some classes with him. I've only seen him once in my life, and never spoke a word to the little guy, but he made a huge impact on me today. My brother and cousin went to his wake tonight and just thinking about such a young boy in a casket like that made me really appreciate life. I don't even know how I would be able to handle something like that. I'm truly thankful for everybody in my life and grateful for those who have always been there for me. It was such an eye opener to just never take your life for granted. Alex and his family will most definitely be in my prayers. RIP Alex Shaide.


"My closest relationship is with my Blackberry. Thank God it vibrates."

Sooo yesterday was Valentine's Day. Wooo hooo. I don't particularly look forward to it that much or make a big deal out of it anymore. I used to love it, but Kyle just isn't the romantic type so I think he kind of changed that about me. I visited him this weekend, even though I felt like I shouldn't have since he had an Ochem exam this morning and needed to study. I also don't have school today so I really wanted to stay an extra night, especially since it was Valentine's Day and all, but he said no, and I get it. So he took me out to dinner Saturday night and then yesterday morning gave me a present (new camera!). Which made me feel a little bad because I didn't get him anything. I really didn't think he got me anything so I wasn't worried about it. Ohhhh well.

So since I was kicked out of Ada early Sunday, I made plans with Jess. It was nice to spend Valentine's evening with her. I got to vent about some stuff which I would otherwise not be able to talk to anybody about. And then we saw Valentine's Day, which I really liked. Better than Dear John for sure.

The cast is outstanding and the plot is really cool. It is a lot like She's Just Not That Into You. There are like 10 little stories occurring and every person seems to be interrelated somehow. And it isn't the typical romantic comedy where everyone ends up with somebody. So I like how it went. There were also some unexpected and quite hilarious moments.

Bradley Cooper and Eric Dane make for a good laugh at the end. Patrick Dempsey plays a huge douchebag which was weird to see because in Grey's he is such a sweetheart. He's a doctor in the movie though, go figure. Ashton Kutcher was adorable, as always. Jessica Alba and Julia Roberts weren't in it much but I loved Roberts' role in the film. I feel like Anne Hathaway broke out of her shell and was histerical. The only bad thing I would have to say is Taylor Swift's acting skills. She was a horrible actress which is sad because I love her music. She should stick to songwriting and singing.

Anyways, I recommend seeing the movie. It's a classic romantic comedy.


Tim Leo...

... is the MAN! Because he's taking me to school Wednesday mornings.

What a guy. :)